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Kitchen Sink Theatre

What if...

     These words floated through my head for years.  What if I could bring something like this to Fort Wayne?  What if there was a way to bring truly inclusive theatre to those in our community that are left out far too often?  What if… what if… what if…?


     Kitchen Sink Theatre has been brewing in my mind for a number of years.  I’ve been so lucky to have studied with a couple of the greatest sensory theatre companies in the world- Oily Cart and Bamboozle, both located in England.  I’ve learned, and continue to learn, so much from them.  I just had to work up my courage to put this idea of mine out into the world.  It’s a scary feeling, but I’m hoping it will be embraced. 


     In August 2023, I was freshly home from a trip from England studying with Bamboozle, where I had been the only American in a group of 12 people from eight countries around the world.  I was still floating with the confidence and energy of all I had learned from the recent training, when I received a text saying that there was a performance opening in the Taste of the Arts Festival.  It felt like the stars were aligning and I knew I had to take this chance.  I called up a couple people I thought would be a good fit to help create a sensory theatre show.  Aaron Mann and Maddie Miller were on board from the get-go and we were off!  I spent the next couple of weeks creating BOX, using things that I had around my house.  We played, created songs, rehearsed, and a little show was born.  We performed it at the Taste of the Arts Festival to a small but mighty group of young people and we’re gearing up to create our second show, based on googly eyes.  (Yes, you read that correctly.) 


     We hope you’ll join us for the ride.


     -Gloria Minnich, Founder of Kitchen Sink Theatre

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